Thursday, September 13, 2012

Table Topper

Yikes!  Has it really been a month since I've blogged?  I've been such a slacker blogger!  Time to make up for that with pictures of projects, more crochet directions, and pictures of the Halloween parade o' stuff that is currently marching its way from my garage and through my house!

But I promise to blog about all those fun things soon!  Today, I want to show everyone the super-cool table topper that I made for my downstairs table.  I wanted something to protect the table top, but not leave a clean lacy pattern in dust that inevitably forms on every surface of my house.  What I ended up doing is buying a half yard of pretty calico fabric (44" wide) and I folded it in half, right sides facing.  I then laid the fabric on the table and used a bowl to draw rounded edges for all 4 corners.  I then pinned the 2 pieces together and cut out the curved corners drawn on.  While keeping my rounded curves aligned, I then placed decorative pipe trim between the two panels facing inward.  I then pinned in place.  The whole thing should be inside out with the wrong side facing out and the trim between the 2 right faces, with all raw/selvage edges showing on the outside.  Then stitch around as close to the pipe trim as possible.  I like to use the zipper foot attachment on my machine when doing this so I get a real close stitch that won't allow the pipe trim to flop loosely.  Leave a space of about 5" to turn your topper right-side-out.  Then hand stitch the hole closed while holding the pipe trim in place.


1 comment:

  1. Now I Can Post a Comment!!! Looking forward to future blogs and being able to comment on them!!!!

